First Glimpse Of Your Baby First Glimpse Of Your Baby

First Days With A Newborn

Hello prospective mothers and fathers and current mothers and fathers as well Our children are our prize possessions and the first few years of their lives are of critical importance...

Hello prospective mothers and fathers and current mothers and fathers as well
Our children are our prize possessions and the first few years of their lives are of critical importance...
In this program I will be providing you practical information, tips and applications that would make it possible for you to experience the first days and months of your newborn with ease and render your transition comfortable.
In this first program I will be demonstrating you how special your newborn is, and how unforgettable the moment of his/her birth is as well as what you need to do just then.
During your pregnancy your baby continued to develop in your body. In the meantime many changes took place in your body. Pregnancy is a process of change and development. The changes that are taking place on your nipples, areola and the change in color in general show themselves in addition to other changes such as miniscule or sometimes larger bumps on the areola.
A line appeared above and below your tummy. This is the route your baby will see after being born.
If your baby is born naturally, this would be great shock to his/her system, an enormous change. Being born into an air vacuum when living inside the mother’s body, in water under a certain pressure and at a certain temperature. Hearing the sounds, seeing the lights and feeling the foreign touches affect him/her deeply.
If there are no post-birth problems with you or your baby, then your baby really needs to be placed on your tummy and when they place him/her there the line on your tummy would be his/her route.
He/she would follow the direction set by this line to reach your breasts. His/her enormous eyes would be searching for yours.
Your first encounter with your baby, the meeting of your eyes, and skin would be an unforgettable experience. As your baby smells your nipples on his/her way to your breasts, his/her reflexes to suck are activated. Have you ever seen a mammal hugging her baby to herself to force her nipple into her mouth? This is really an instinctual act.
Human babies have this instinct. The baby latches onto the nipple correctly so that you are able to breastfeed your baby in the most comfortable position.
This would be the first time you meet your baby, as you put him/her on your breast. However, if the mother is sleeping, handing the baby to his/her father would still help him/her overcome the shock of being born as he/she hears his/her father’s voice that he/she got used to when he/she was in his/her mother’s womb and feels his touches.
See you in the next program,
Stay safe,

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