Baby Care EXERCISES FOR THE NEWBORN BABY Discover simple newborn exercises to promote healthy development. Molfix provides helpful tips to encourage movement and bonding.
Baby Care GAS MASSAGE OF A NEWBORN BABY Discover gas massage techniques for a newborn tummy to ease discomfort. Molfix shares tips to help reduce gas and soothe your baby. Read more here.
Baby Care POSITIVE IDEAS, HAPPY INDIVIDUALS Help your child understand how special she is! Put yourself in your child’s place. How do you understand someone loves you? It’s the little thing, right? You don’t need grand gestures to show your child that you love her and how special she is to you.
Baby Care DECORATING THE HOSPITAL ROOM That special day when you take your baby in your lap is the defining point in your life; you are reborn and you have given life,
Baby Care Umbilical Care The thing that worries mothers who have recently given birth is umbilical cord care. One of the frequently made common mistakes in newborn babies is to wrap gauze on top of or around the umbilical cord left on the navel
Baby Care Premature Baby Care Good care is provided to premature babies in intensive care units in a sterile environment. Access to these units are restricted to all except the health team, parents, and family members and the baby is thus protected against infections.
Baby Care NEWBORN VACCINATION The first dose of “Hepatitis B vaccine”, which is the first vaccine of the newborn, is given in the hospital immediately after birth.
Baby Care Positive Ideas, Happy Individuals Even if your baby is the most peaceful in your loving arms and in your presence, you also have a friend to rely on, other than yourself, to calm your baby down: Pacifiers.
Baby Care 5 Ways Of Calming Your Baby When He/She Is Restless Your house that was once quiet and calm is now full of joyful laughter and merriment in tandem with your growing baby.
Baby Care Baby Massage Babies are born out of the water and soft tissue within the mother’s womb into a hard and fixed bed and do not have the ability to move and turn besides hand and arm movements for the first three months.
Baby Care THE NEWBORN’S BATH There is no medical reason why your baby should not have a bath in the first hour or for a whole day after being born.On the contrary this/her has many benefits.You can decide when baby’s “first bath” will be and you can participate.
Baby Care MOUTH, NOSE, EYE, SKIN CARE OF THE NEWBORN The newborn baby should be bathed daily. There is no need to use shampoo each time you bathe her.
Baby Care CARE OF THE NEWBORN - THE FIRST 40 DAYS Baby care may seem challenging in the first few days of motherhood, especially for a mother who does not have any previous experience.
Baby Care PREMATURE BABY Approximately 10 percent of babies are born prior to the 37th week and are named premature. Since these babies have yet to complete their development in their mothers’ wombs, they are usually born with some health issues.