Calming down a newborn baby
Learn effective techniques to calm a crying infant. Molfix provides practical tips for soothing your baby during their first months. Read more here.
In today’s program I will tell you how to bathe your newborn baby by means of a demonstration. After your baby is born, you clean him/her by wiping his/her body with a wet cloth until the umbilical cord connection falls off. When you use an umbilical cord
Bathing of a Newborn:
Hello dear prospective mothers and fathers and current mothers and fathers as well,
In today’s program I will tell you how to bathe your newborn baby by means of a demonstration. After your baby is born, you clean him/her by wiping his/her body with a wet cloth until the umbilical cord connection falls off. When you use an umbilical cord notch diaper, the umbilical cord dries and falls off faster. When the umbilical cord connection falls off, you should not wash your baby on the day this happens as there is still an open wound. You can start bathing your baby after 2 days. 20 minutes after you feed your baby, you clean his/her bottom and place your baby carefully in the baby bath as you hold his/her head in your right hand and placing your left wrist on his/her neck as you get hold of him/her from under his/her arms in a very secure grip. As you lift him/her up, you establish and maintain eye contact as you tell him/her about the bath you prepared. The temperature of the bath water must have been checked previously to ensure either by means of a thermometer or your hand that it is close to the warmth of your body; i.e. 37 or 37.50 degrees. You let go of your baby’s feet inside the water and let him/her get used to it before washing his/her neck, chest, arms, between his/her fingers, behind the ears gently by using a sponge followed by the washing of the legs with a bit of muslin. These different touches, sensations lead to new connections being made among the brain cells of your baby. As you place your hand on one side you pull the other off slowly to move to the other side to help your baby swim without loosening your grip on him/her. This is something they like the most as they have been living in a similar environment in mommy’s tummy. Therefore water is like their natural environment. As he/she swims in the water, you get hold of your baby’s chin through the water, support his/her head, turn him/her around onto your arm and use your shampoo to work up a leather on his/her head with your finger tips applied on the scalp. You again wash his/her back and legs with the sponge and rinse him/her with the water you keep available. As you can see, I keep hold of the baby securely with one hand while I use the other to rinse him/her. You need to use drinking water to rinse him/her as he/she would be swallowing it during the process. Afterwards I take him/her in my arms, turn him/her around and wrap him/her in his/her towel. You can bathe him/her every night however it would be sufficient to shampoo his/her hair only twice in a week.
See you in the next program, with our best wishes.