Calming down a newborn baby
Learn effective techniques to calm a crying infant. Molfix provides practical tips for soothing your baby during their first months. Read more here.
Learn effective techniques to calm a crying infant. Molfix provides practical tips for soothing your baby during their first months. Read more here.
Calming down a newborn baby:
Hello dear prospective mothers and fathers and current mothers and fathers as well,
In today’s program I will tell you the things you could do to calm down your crying baby. If your baby is crying and causing a havoc from the place he/she is lying on his/her back, he/she might hurt himself as he moves his/her arms involuntarily around. You can turn him/her face down. Babies feel comfortable face down and now you can hold his/her head to apply massage between his/her eyebrows with up and down movements. This massage would calm him/her down and holding his/her head would prevent him/her from turning it right and left, and if you are making sounds, such as psh, psh or “eee eee” to comfort him/her in the meantime, he/she would soon calm down. Pulling his/her knees towards his/her tummy would release any disturbing gas accumulation. If you cannot calm him/her down as explained here, then you can turn around your baby and yes you can try swaddling him/her. Babies live in a tight place leaning against the womb in their mother’s tummy. Don’t expect them to relax immediately, however, after a certain period of time they would calm down as these applications would activate his/her relaxation reflex. At this point we place the tip of the swaddle on baby’s shoulder, arrange the middle, pull the cloths and complete the process. After swaddling him/her, you lift up the baby, place him/her on your arm and whisper soothing sounds into his/her ear. If you find this difficult, then you can place him/her on your shoulder and slowly move around and walk; reminding him/her of the rhythm he had learnt in his/her mother’s tummy. As the baby starts calming down you can continue making the soothing sounds to ensure further calm and activation of the relaxation reflex. If this also proves not to be effective, then you place your baby face down on your arm. In this position his/her legs and arms would be hanging down, as you rock up and down, and move around. This is a very comforting position that would also ensure middle ear balance of the baby.
See you in the next program, with our best wishes, goodbye.